Inventory Unit of Measure Conversion

Note: In order to perform an inventory unit of measure conversion, the RoleThe role is a collection of system features. Each feature has an access level of either read-only or edit. A role is assigned to a user. The user has access to the features found in the role. of the Logged-in UserAn IntelliTrack user has an account with IntelliTrack and uses the software; is active in the system; has a valid username and password; is assigned to at least one division and one site; has a default division and a default site. The user is designated as either an Administrative User or a Standard User. must include the Convert Unit of Measure featureThis feature is available in edit mode. When this feature is activated, the Convert Unit of Measure icon is found at the Inventory Data page in the web application. In order to use this feature, the Inventory View feature must also be enabled. Access to this feature grants the ability to perform an inventory unit of measure conversion on an item found in inventory, when a smaller or larger unit of measure is available for the item..

The capability to perform a unit of measure conversion on your inventory is a feature in IntelliTrack. In order to perform an inventory unit of measure conversion:

Note: You must enable the Multiple Units of Measure settingThis is a division setting. When marked, each item may be given multiple units of measure, with varying each counts. in the Add/Edit Division form\Options tab to use multiple units of measure for your division. The units of measure available for an item and the count for each unit of measure are set in the Item Data form\Units of Measure tab.

Important: To perform a unit of measure conversion, the selected item must contain a quantity that can be converted to a higher or a lower unit of measure.

Note: The unit of measure conversion cannot be performed on a serialized item or an asset. This is because the quantity for the serialized and asset inventoryis always 1.

Note: The unit of measure conversion cannot be performed on an item that contains an RFID Tag Number. This is because changing the uom quantity of the item would alter the RFID tracking in place for this item.

Inventory UOM Conversion History Transactions

The convert unit of measure feature has two transaction types associated with it:

When an inventory let down is performed, a larger item unit of measure quantity is let down to a smaller unit of measure quantity.

When an inventory rollup is performed, a smaller item unit of measure quantity is rolled up into a larger unit of measure quantity.

Performing an Inventory Unit of Measure Conversion

Note: The Convert Unit of Measure icon is available when the role of the logged-in user has access to the Convert Unit of Measure feature.Convert Unit of Measure Icon

In IntelliTrack, an inventory unit of measure conversion is performed from the Inventory Data page. When it is performed, the site-location-item on hand quantity is either let down to a smaller unit of measure quantity or rolled up to a larger unit of measure quantity at the site-location in which the inventory resides.

  1. To perform a unit of measure conversion on an item in inventory, go to the Inventory Data page, and find the item.

Inventory Data Page

  1. Select the Convert Unit of Measure icon for the item, found to the far right in the inventory grid.Convert Unit of Measure Icon (If this icon is grayed out, it means that a unit of measure conversion cannot be performed on this site-location-item unit of measure quantity because it is either a serialized item or an asset.)
  2. The Convert Unit of Measure form appears. It contains a Convert From portion and a Convert To portion. Information about the selected item appears in the form.

Convert Unit of Measure Form

  1.  The following information is found in the Convert From portion of the form.
    1. Item Number: the item number for the selected inventory item is placed in this field.
    2. Site: the site where the item resides is placed in this field.
    3. Location: the location where the selected inventory item resides is placed in this field.
    4. Unit of Measure: the unit of measure for the site-location-item selected is placed in this field. This is the current unit of measure and the one in which the unit of measure will be converted from.
    5. Serial Number: if applicable, the serial number for the item number is placed in this field.
    6. Lot: if applicable, the lot for the item number is placed in this field.
    7. Expiration Date: if applicable, the expiration date for the item number is placed in this field.
  1. The following information is found in the In the Convert To portion of the form.
    1. Available Qty: the available site-location-item-unit of measure quantity is placed in this field. This is also the available quantity that may be applied to either a unit of measure let down or a unit of measure roll up.
    2. Unit of Measure: click the drop-down arrow in this field to view the units of measure available for this item.
    3. Unit of Measure Conversion: when a unit of measure is selected, the item unit of measure conversion for this item from the base unit of measure (found in the Unit of Measure field in the Convert From section of the form) to the newly selected one is placed in this field. If you are moving from a higher unit of measure to a lower unit of measure, the conversion will reflect an inventory let down; if you are moving from a lower unit of measure to a higher unit of measure, the conversion will reflect a unit of measure roll up.
    4. Quantity to Convert: enter a quantity to convert in this field. This is the amount of the item that you want to be converted from the current unit of measure to the new unit of measure.
    5. Total: the total quantity for this site-location-item in the new unit of measure, based upon the Quantity to Convert and the Unit of Measure Conversion rate, is placed in this field.
  1. When you have entered all of the unit of measure conversion information, you are ready to process the inventory let down or inventory roll up.

Convert Unit of Measure Form

  1. Click the Save icon to process the unit of measure conversion for this item-location-quantity. (To cancel the unit of measure conversion for this item, click the Cancel icon.)
  2. The Convert Unit of Measure form closes, and you are returned to the Inventory Data page. The inventory item for which the Convert Unit of Measure has been performed contains the updated site-location-unit of measure quantity for this item.